Sunday, December 03, 2006

Distracted much?

I find that time and time again I fill my life with things that don't really matter.
at times, there are so many different things going on that they overlap and collide.
Where is there any time left for me?
The sacrifice of "me" time takes it's toll eventually and I tend to shut down.
that's not very productive...
Another thing that I noticed is that people in general like to distract themselves with their futures or even their pasts so much so that they waste today.
How can you ever get where you want to go if you're either looking backwards or lost in a distant future?
Gleaned wisdom from your past can give you an idea where not to step in today and a sure footing in your tomorrow.
Planning ahead is good, don't get me wrong but in the case of a person with their head in the clouds, not so good. Some of us become stagnant in our present because we're so distracted by our pending futures and wishful thinking.
I constantly have to check myself, where am I going, am I actively taking the right steps to get there, am I making any progress, don't forget what I've learned from past experiences, don't repeat past mistakes, etc.
Remember yesterday, enjoy today, and look forward to tomorrow.

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