Saturday, November 18, 2006

Why wear a mask

Why wear a mask?
Is mediocrity enough?
most of us are daily wearer's of a mask or costume of sorts.
our true potential hanging just within our reach but never grasped and or embraced.we hide our faces as to protect ourselves from failure or rejection possibly.
are those consequences really all that horrible?
are they really consequences or opportunities in disguise?
we wear a costume to pretend that we're something we're not even for just a moment.
for some these items they place upon themselves give them the liberation from an otherwise, in their mind, boring or less than par self.
why is it that cloth, a wig or mask can set you free?
is this just the easy way out?
is it really more difficult to keep the mask off and find the same liberation?
I say yes.
with so many variables pulling us in all different directions it's almost impossible to find balance and a center.
Almost, being the key word there.
you can make a list of all the millions of things that are Almost impossible.
if you look at the word IMPOSSILE the "IM" is the smaller part of the word and "possible" is the better half of the word.
Person One: dwells on the latter portion of this two word defeatist, impossible, may never accomplish anything in life. This person strives for mediocrity.
Person Two: will see and focus their energy on the tiny fraction of possibility, and will find a way to make things happen. This person strives for greatness.
which one are you?
why let 2 letters keep greatness from happening?
don't let 2 letters be your mask to hide behind.


LaughClown said...
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LaughClown said...

After I placed my last post I realized it was a total sidetrack of anything relavent. I really should pay attention while I'm writing.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that sometimes masks may have purposes other than stated. Someimes a mask may be for the sake of the group the wearer is hiding from. People often times dont want a buzz kill in social settings. You may say "get better friends" but its pretty much universal. People dont like dealing with the dark birds nesting in someone else's tree nor the parts of the self effected by them. Since certain parts of a person's self are not wanted by those around them, its can be best to hide it. You arent a lie in this situation, just the part of yourself more socially appropriate. In this way one can search the more complex, possibly disagreeable, paths of ones self in privacy while maintaining much needed social relationships.

YDNEW said...

i agree.
thank you.

YDNEW said...

confusing much?
i just read over what i originally wrote and there are so many independent thoughts all at once. i don't know if it could possibly make any sense to anyone else. i'm all over the place. sorry.