Friday, September 29, 2006

How was your day?

Everywhere you look the world tells you to focus on only the negative. You turn on the news the main focus guaranteed will be something with a sense of gloom and negativity. Why so much pessimism? There are so many good things that occur everyday and why don't they receive the same attention?
Think about when you hear something positive, depending on the mood you're in, sometimes the initial response is yuck. It may even be followed by a, why don't you just rub my face it. Why do we do this?
Attitude. Maybe we all need an attitudinal adjustment. Humh? Go ahead and say yuck if you want, but hey, at least I'm going to have more good days. Stop dwelling on the past and gloom of life. Focus on the good and positive. Strive to find the uplifting and see how your day ends up. Stop and smell the roses. Say thank you to kindness and mean it sincerely. Don't always assume the worst of people, and give them the chance to prove that we're not all bad and out to get you. Think the best until proven to be otherwise.
It's all a choice that we make everyday and moment of our lives. Take charge of your emotions and situations in life and choose to not have what others say or do effect you.
Remove the constant sour diet of pessimism, faultfinding, second-guessing, and ill speaking towards one another. Be the first.

1 comment:

LaughClown said...

I am known to profess a certain pessimism towards humanity. This seems to be a more common running theme today, true. And while I say how people suck, I mean the mob sucks, individuals are generally good people and almost universally reasonable in a one-on-one discussion, especially if removed from outside influences of the throngs idiots. For some reason people have a much greater tendency towards intentional ignorance when in a group setting. I hate back-biting and gossip about a person when they arent there. Its getting to me more and more and Im trying to remove it fom my activity but its hard, its so pervasive it can be difficult not to participate. Id rather people tell me problems they see in me than talk to everyone else about it. In the right setting telling people the truth of what you feel is beneficial and I hope others can extend me the same courtesy.
As for the doom and gloom. Its attractive, its sexy, mysterious, comfortable. They have disaster on the news because it sells, thats what people want to hear. There was a push for awhile to put more feel good stories on the news and it went for awhile but eventually went bust. I think maybe its because in the looming peril, in the creeping darkness life is easier. Its easier to enjoy the little things when there is a chance of never seeing it again. People use darkness as a justification to do things in their lives that they otherwise wouldnt feel able.
Maybe its cause its hard to smell the flowers when theres a demon at your heels. Maybe its because its can be too hard to enjoy the good things in life when they are all too often destroyed. Its about fear, its about not feeling justified in being yourself unless the world is falling apart.
I hope you had a good weekend. I love the way you write, and Im sorry I didnt reply earlier.