Monday, October 02, 2006

Living Creatures

Creatures of the earth, large and small, etc. all deserve to be loved or at least treated with respect.
if you're going to own an animal and consider them a pet, TAKE CARE OF IT! there is more to keeping an animal then just giving it food, water and shelter.... think about that.
why would they have been placed on the planet if they didn't serve some sort of purpose in the circle of life. RESPECT THAT!
For those that don't agree with me, those that think that animals don't have feeling or a sense of self/emotions, why would they have been given a brain or nerve endings to only be numb and thoughtless? WAKE UP!

What if you were on the flip side of the coin? Would you want somebody else to treat you the way you treat creatures of the world? PONDER!

that's all I have to say about that.

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