Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The View

off in the distance the sky is red like fire as if the mountain are a blaze.
the sun is setting.
the last rays are piercing through.
the clouds move and change so swiftly.
in seconds it's gone.
it's night.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

True Colors

other than the scientific reasons, why is it that when most things in life are passing on their true colors come out?
take Autumn for example:
trees all look the same up until autumn comes and then they turn all sorts of colors, their TRUE colors if you will.
Compare this to life.
A person you know seems perfectly fine one moment then you find out that they have some terminal ailment. That person is now faced with a choice aren't they, live out their days the best way they know how or be miserable and make everyone miserable around them.
i'd want for the first to be my choice.
I'd want to be the tree that changes to all sorts of colors that contrast the others bringing great awe and beauty to the world.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Walk like you mean it

Do you dare bust a move?
walking down the street
with your headphones on
a dance worthy song is rockin
Do you fight it?
I declare, ROCK IT!
what's it going to hurt?
what's the worst it could do?
it would be a shame to waste a perfect groove on a bland stride.
beware you may cause rubber necking, could result in collision's !

Polar Bear Anyone?

You turn on the tube and for what reason...
so, there's this show
you're hooked
it's ridiculous
honestly, what's its appeal? I don't get it...
if anything it frustrates you more than anything
but you still watch it...
some of the characters are bland, it's all scattered, people die off all the time, new people show up out of nowhere like they've always been there...
I'm so LOST...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

What is a Nerd?

personally i like nerds...
what does that mean to you?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Scattered Memories

Like an attic the webs form in the corners of his mind. Memories stored in boxes marked in sharpie faded to illegible. He sees faces in old pictures that have a familiarity but he can't place from where or why...
sometimes the rays from the windows catch something new to bring to focus but only for a brief moment and then it's gone.. Where am I? Who am I? What yr is it? Is what goes through his mind...
It's 20 yrs ago for him and where's his brother? He asks.. He has to take me to work. I'm going to be late.
Grandpa it's me. Where are you? It's 2006 and we're not in Kansas.
He's a fighter.
time passes and he's still here.
his body is shutting down but he holds on.
There she is! His grand daughter, where have you been? I'm so happy that you're here.
He sleeps unmoved.
It's time is whispered into her ear.
It's ok, they're all waiting for you.
you don't have to fight anymore.
We love you.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Ode to Christmas Butter and how i love thee...
i make my toast and oh so sweet
i cover you with Christmas Butter man what a treat.
you have cinnamon, honey and buttery taste,
i can't let even a drop of you go to waste.
hmmm... Christmas Butter.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


where do we go from here?
connect the dots and what picture is it making?
sometimes it's easy to see the next point but others seems to take forever and you just keep shuffling things around until you hit it eventually.
if we go in the wrong direction will Mikey Mouse end up with 3 ears?
can't have that.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Captain Vague Strikes Again

We all do this, and why?
is it to hide from the truth due to fear of criticism or judgment or is it to spare feelings of another?
Either way, what's the point?
The way I see it the truth comes out whether you want it to or not from either your mouth or another's and if you want to avoid the backlash, Just Put it Out There Man! Tell it like it is.
The truth hurts sometimes, but when you put it out there you don't have to back peddle.
fear of criticism or judgment
why the fear?
I've decided what works the best for me is to make sure my actions and decisions are something to be proud of and not hidden. If it doesn't fit either of those two categories then it's not worth doing.
these are the things that add in defining us right? So, why hide them? If somebody wants to criticize that then go right ahead.
to spare someone's feelings
people say they want the truth but get hurt when it's given.
don't ask me if you don't really want to know.
I'm just going to give you what you asked for
it's all in the way you word it
make it simple
try to imagine the world if nobody ever gave a blunt answer, and all the facts were vague. I'd go nuts!
Am I way off base here?
or is the world better off with it's translucent truths?
whatcha thinkin!?

Definition: Vague
'v Ag
etymology: Middle French, from Latin vagus, literally, wandering
1 a: not clearly expressed: stated in indefinite terms b: not having a precise meaning
2 a: not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : indistinct; also: slight b: not clearly felt or sensed:
somewhat subconscious
3: not thinking or expressing one's thoughts clearly or precisely
4: lacking expression : vacant
5: not sharply outlined: hazy -obscure

I'm 12 again

the world is still amazing...
creativity has no bounds
everything is still fun and exciting
i'm light hearted
the little things in life make me happy
i laugh at myself and shoot, i'm hilarious
lets go play and invent things
my mind is full of adventures to be had
being silly is still exceptable
most things don't matter
why did i ever grow up?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tune in

If i wasn't able to hear i wouldn't want to live...
pretty much ya
Music is my one true love in life and to be deprived of that one things would be the end of me.
the lyrics speak my life's truth, the music describes my emotions, and it just makes everything tangible.
you're probably thinking over dramatic much...
that's fine and i agree...
but to find that sort of connection with something in life is crucial and amazing.
can i even be so bold as to say, rare?.
harmony, melody, greatness, etc....

Friday, October 06, 2006

What does it mean to control?
in life, can you do so?
We all have the ability to know ourselves well enough to control certain aspects of ourselves but can you truly control everything? (there are so many outward element that play a part in our lives)
Mostly there is supression or escapism that gives the illusion of control.
Find the root.
What's making things surface that are normally supressed or dodged?
Look it directly in the face and either overcome or walk away. Don't hide.
Most of us dwell on our past so much so that we can't enjoy the now or look to the future.
why do we do this?
Have we not gleaned what was necessary from those experiences?
You can't walk forward if you're looking backwards without falling flat.
Yes, those experiences and people have helped in shaping us into who we are but you still have the cards in your hands to make the next move in the game.
Discard those you don't need and keep those that are still of value to the ending win.
Along the way these cards may change.
is in your heart to fold, bluff, or call?
what risk are you willing to take?
never knowing, faking it, or standing firm?
chew on that for a while.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just Say No!

The movie the Producers.
yes it's a Mel Brooks film but what the hell?
I did laugh and find myself watching it occasionally while it was on.
So, ok, i hate musicals.
maybe not hate but i don't buy them or watch them on purpose.
Mostly, it seems to be a huge crew of Drag queens and the way people sing in them drives me up the wall. (Dude, I dig Drag queens, they're better at being a girl then I am for sure)
Better yet, why don't we just run nails down the chalkboard... cuz that would be better.
The only thing I enjoyed about the movie was when Will Farrell was on the screen as a German, leiderhosen wearing, NAZI, enthusiast. That was rather funny.

Just Say No to Musicals!!!
I do have to admit that I like Wizard of Oz but honestly, who doesn't?
Calamity Jane, that was entertaining.

Nothing else of this genre have I like since.

the end.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Living Creatures

Creatures of the earth, large and small, etc. all deserve to be loved or at least treated with respect.
if you're going to own an animal and consider them a pet, TAKE CARE OF IT! there is more to keeping an animal then just giving it food, water and shelter.... think about that.
why would they have been placed on the planet if they didn't serve some sort of purpose in the circle of life. RESPECT THAT!
For those that don't agree with me, those that think that animals don't have feeling or a sense of self/emotions, why would they have been given a brain or nerve endings to only be numb and thoughtless? WAKE UP!

What if you were on the flip side of the coin? Would you want somebody else to treat you the way you treat creatures of the world? PONDER!

that's all I have to say about that.